Planning a run or a race? Do you want to know how you might do if you vary your pace? Want to make a good training plan for a given distance? Interval RunCalc is the runners calculator for varying your splits and intervals. Interval RunCalc is perfect for beginners training for their first race or experienced racers strategizing an upcoming race. The app is a suite of three calculators for finding pace, time, and distance for runners:
Basic – Basic pace time and distance calculations
Splits – Takes the time and distance entered in the basic calculator and divides it into 1-mile splits. The user can change the pace of any split to calculate a new elapsed time and average pace for the splits.
Intervals – Create your own training plan. Add intervals of time and pace or distance and pace. The average pace, elapsed time, and current pace are displayed.
Other features include:
-For treadmill runners, pace can be replaced with speed by a tap on the screen.
-Users can choose miles or kilometers
-For fast entry, programmable presets can keep your most frequent pace, time and distance handy.
-Enter times and pace with the number pad instead of scroll wheels for super fast, convenient entry.
Train better. Speed up your intervals. Set your race pace for your next PR. Get Interval RunCalc and get your goals!